Why DIY Resin Embedding?

Sealing objects in Clear Resin is both a treasured art form and a functional method of preserving specimens. The need to seal your item quickly is absolutely required for the types of delicate, ephemeral objects used such as flowers, insects, and artwork. Objects which are sent to a studio to be sealed undergo a costly and time consuming process. This need is what drove us to understand DIY resin pouring, but we fell in love with the process itself, and want to share that with you.  

The process of casting resin to create your own personalized, timeless keepsake, becomes an inherent part of the memory you are trying to preserve. It further strengthens the bond between you and the moment you have chosen to immortalize, and every time you see this beautiful reminder on display the (very light) effort you put forward into making it a reality will only add to the deep feelings it invokes. 

By Purchasing a Jeff Haus DIY Resin Kit, you are giving yourself the key to a wholly unique and rewarding experience known as Epoxy Resin Preservation. You eliminate the need to hastily mail your wedding bouquet or trust a prized possession in the hands of a stranger. You have the freedom and tools to create your own modern, artful display of a highly treasured moment in life.